Thursday, 18 February 2010

'In Transition' film screening - Friday 5th March

We are very excited about our screening of 'In Transition' - the film made to highlight what transition groups all over the UK and further afield are doing at grass roots level.

Invites are currently being emailed to local people who have community roles or who represent organisations - we want to make sure they know about it. If you think of someone who should attend - please invite them! Having said that, the film screening is open to everyone - so tell anyone you think may be interested.

After the film there will be opportunities for discussion before moving to the 'Market Tavern' pub where we have a room booked and sandwiches provided! The film will be screened at St James Church Centre, Pottergate, Alnwick at 7.30pm on Friday 5th March 2010.

Alan Beith MP is attending to find out more - we hope you will too!

Directions for St James -[St James is on the right hand side of the road, despite what this map tells you]
Parking is available on a left turn from Pottergate, on the way up to St James or in Morrison's car park.

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