Monday, 19 April 2010

On Wednesday the 14th April the Transition Alnwick Food Group met for the first time. After a last minute change of location 13 enthusiastic people got together to discuss various food related issues.

Rachael welcomed everyone to the meeting and a few rules were accepted by everyone, namely that the chair will be changed for each meeting and that meetings would generally have no agenda. In addition, open discussion was to be allowed and encouraged.

Everyone then had a chance to introduce themselves and tell the group what their food-related interests were. There were a lot of common interests - not surprisingly everyone enjoyed eating food! Also, there were concerns about where our food came from, how far it had come, whether it was organic. More widely there was much discussion about the availability of land both for growing and for leisure. Biofuels were also discussed along with a large number of other concerns.

After the offer of another cup of tea/ glass of wine ideas started flowing which ranged from having a food stall at Alnwick Food Festival to educating both the group and a wider audience on growing, preserving and cooking food and a lot of other ideas in between.

Rather excitingly Anna Corbett has offered to guide a food scavenging walk for the next meeting on the 12th may at 1800. Ian Brown has generously offered to let us all roam across Lee Moor Farm (guided by Anna) in our quest to find wild food.

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